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What makes McEwan Fraser Legal the right choice for you?

  • Our many years of experience working within land sales puts us in the ideal position to offer our clients specialist advice on selling land for development.
  • No project is too small or large
  • Over 20 years’ experience in land sales
  • Committed to providing strong, personal service to landowners and developers
  • Both sales and legal Knowledge – no need to involve several parties.

Our excellent sales team boasts a wealth of local knowledge, and our friendly, open approach has earned us a strong reputation both locally and nationally, which has been recognised through multiple awards.

How to get the Maximum Value for Your Land?

When it comes to selling land, we know how to achieve the maximum value for our clients. Don't be tempted to sell "Off Market" to a developer until you have spoken to one of our land experts.

We can provide you with a no obligation independent valuation, and advise on legal agreements to allow you to profit while developers seek planning permission particularly when any offers are subject to planning. Sometimes offers are subject to unrealistic planning approval, which means attractive initial offers are subsequently reduced.

We work with a broad range of individuals and organisations wishing to assess the value of large or small land plots, with or without planning, as well as some of the UK’s leading developers in order to provide them with high-quality land appraisals according to their requirements. We also have an experienced legal team and can draft option agreements to suit individual circumstances.

What is involved in selling land?

We focus on optimising value by working with our trusted partners and help secure planning consents on potential residential development land. Our in-depth knowledge of the complex planning regulations makes us the ideal company for landowners keen to promote and maximise their land’s potential to the open market. We can of course also work “off-market” with carefully targeted and qualified developers where landowners want confidentiality. Through local knowledge and research of local authority’s housing land supply, we are able to identify and promote sites that are suitable and have good prospects for housing development.

Once planning has been secured, we work to achieve the maximum value by offering the land for sale to a large number of housebuilders and developers. This enables us to create competitive bidding scenarios – you the landowner are then safe in the knowledge that we have secured the true value of your asset.

If you have a plot of land for sale, or if you own a house with a large garden or vacant ground that you believe may be suitable for redevelopment.

What we can also do for you?

  • Help you with selling sites, from single units to large-scale developments
  • Offer specialist legal advice on land for sale all over Scotland
  • Draft options agreements, overage and uplift provisions
  • Speak to our contacts in planning and quickly determine if your land is likely to get approval for development
  • Check and advise on access rights
  • Advice on collateral warranties and pre-emption agreements
  • Draft contracts with reservation of rights or impositions of new obligations and restrictions, particularly if any new development will affect where you already live
  • Provide pre-qualified developers registered on our buyers' database with immediate details of any land that may become available that matches their stated criteria

Follow Our Exclusive "Land Only" Social Media Accounts!

Follow Our Exclusive "Land Only" Social Media Accounts!

Stay informed and discover our available plots of land by following our dedicated "McEwan Fraser Legal - Land" accounts on Facebook and Instagram.

These accounts are exclusively focused on sharing our land listings!

Looking to sell your plot of land?

Complete the form below and one of our expert valuers will be in touch shortly to discuss your plot and how we can help maximise its value.

Let us know when you would like us to call you to discuss arranging a valuation appointment in further detail.